REST API Overview


The Geo Suite REST APIs support a full suite of location-based services for the development of web applications, including support for mapping, geocoding, search, and turn-by-turn directions. The services are accessed through a Restful (HTTP based) application programming interface.

Each of the APIs has its own Examples test page where you can experiment and see the funcitonality provided in real time.

The major features are highlighted in the following sections.


The Map Tile API allows you to retrieve raster map tile images for multiple countries. These map tiles can be combined in a grid to display complete maps.

  • Returns a single map image centered around a specific latitude and longitude based on the size and resolution requested.

  • Returns tiles in one of two industry standard sizes for a specified x, y and zoom level using the de facto XYZ standard employed by OpenStreetMaps.

  • Multiple data sources: TOSM, HERE, TomTom

  • Map data availability in multiple countries

The Geocoding and Search APIs support forward and reverse geocoding, and the ability to search for addresses and Points of Interest centered around a geographic coordinate.

  • Forward Geocode - Takes a street address and returns the latitude and longitude for the specified location.

  • Reverse Geocode - Used to obtain an address from a latitude and longitude.

  • Search - Returns addresses or Points of Interest located around a specified coordinate location, selected by name, category, or brand. Additional supporting APIs include:

    • Suggestions - Used to show possible matches for an address or Points of Interest (POI). user suggestions based on the characters they’ve typed into the search box for possible search queries

    • Brand List - Returns a list of brands that can be used in a search.

    • Category List - Returns a list of POI categories that can be used in a search.

    • Suggestions - Returns possible matches for an address or Points of Interest (POI). This API can be used to offer the user suggestions based on the characters they’ve typed into the search box for possible search queries.


The Directions API provides the ability to request and retrieve routes based on options. The route information includes the route segment and maneuvers within the segment.

  • Routes for different types of transportation: car, truck, and pedestrian

  • Alternative routes based on user preferences

  • Route polyline, used to display a the route on a map

  • Multiple languages and countries supported