Structure StateInfo

┗ HPE.StateInfo

namespace: HPE
packed: false


StateInfo provides a positional definition.
Used in initializaton and position submission type interfaces.


Fields defined in HPE.StateInfo

epoch, confidence, shape, speed, azimuth, source

Field Detail

epoch (required) : datetime


confidence (required) : float32

Confidence of position shape. Valid range is 0.0 to 1.0

shape (required) : Shape

Position. Polymorphic type, see specializations from Shape for details.

speed (optional) : float32, in meters/sec

speed of device in meters/sec

azimuth (optional) : float32, in degrees

Azimuth heading of the device in degrees (true North)

source (optional) : StateSource

Source field defines the source of the state information. If not specified, value is undefined. Defining the source of the state information assists the calculation processing by characterizing the nature of the position data relative to associated observations.