Structure GnssDataInput

   ┗ ILP.GnssDataInput

namespace: ILP
packed: false


ILP.Assistance.GnssData input request data.


Inherited fields defined in Tensor.InputBase

devid, etid, directive

Fields defined in ILP.GnssDataInput

epoch, encoding, location, elmask, request

Types defined in ILP.GnssDataInput


Field Detail

epoch (optional) : datetime

Optional epoch for which the data is valid. Leave unspecified if the current epoch is desired.

encoding (optional) : EncodingFormat

ConstellationData encoding format for the response. The default encoding is natural, which will result in constellation data being returned in the "constellationData" field specified in the GnssDataOutput structure. If the encoding value is 2 (XMF) or greater than 255 (custom encoding), then the data is returned in the "constellationXmf" field.

location (optional) : Shape

Optional specification of the location to compute assistance data. If not specified, asistance data will not be filtered.

elmask (optional) : int8, in degrees

Optional, specifies the elevation cutoff mask relative to the current location in degrees. If not specified or -90, all values within the specified satellite ID ranges are returned.

request [one or more] : RequestSpec

Specifies the requested data. One specification is required, multiple can be processed simultaneously.