Structure ArcBand

   ┗ HPE.Point2D
      ┗ HPE.ArcBand

namespace: HPE
type RTT key: HPE.ShapeType.ArcBand
packed: true


In an Estimate, the shape is the uncertainty area.


Inherited fields defined in HPE.Shape


Inherited fields defined in HPE.Point2D

lat, lon

Fields defined in HPE.ArcBand

major_outer, major_inner, minor_outer, minor_inner, orient, direction, opening

Field Detail

major_outer (required) : float32, in meters

major axis outer radius

major_inner (required) : float32, in meters

major axis inner radius

minor_outer (required) : float32, in meters

minor axis outer radius

minor_inner (required) : float32, in meters

minor axis inner radius

orient (required) : float32, in degrees

Angle between north and major axis.
0 ⇐ orient < 180.

direction (required) : float32, in degrees

Angle from north to center of arc.
0 ⇐ direction < 360

opening (required) : float32, in degrees

Horizontal coverage angle of the antenna face; half on either side of direction.
0 < opening ⇐ 360.