Structure SurveyData

┗ SLAM.SurveyData

namespace: SLAM
packed: false




Fields defined in SLAM.SurveyData

surveyid, part, type, source, veracity, info, records, pois

Field Detail

surveyid (required) : UUID

Identifies the unique id of the survey

part (required) : int32

Zero based part index of survey indicating data is in parts.

type (required) : uri

Type uri, provides information on the type of survey. This can indicate a variety of things and is used for search.

source (required) : uri

Source uri, provides information on how survey data was sourced, potentially ownership.

veracity (required) : float32

Veracity of the survey data contained. This is a measure between 0 and 1 about the quality and trustworthiness of the data collected. Veracity of 1 is the highest trust.

info (required) : SurveyInfo

Optional survey information.

records [zero or more] : SurveyRecord

Survey record(s) collected by the survey.

pois [zero or more] : PointOfInterest

Points of interest collected by the survey.

See Also




Survey, Probe