Structure Ellipsoid

   ┗ HPE.Point2D
      ┗ HPE.Point3D
         ┗ HPE.Ellipsoid

namespace: HPE
type RTT key: HPE.ShapeType.Ellipsoid
packed: true


Ellipsoid is the shape of an oblong "pill" at an orientation.
In an Estimate, the shape is the uncertainty area.


Inherited fields defined in HPE.Shape


Inherited fields defined in HPE.Point2D

lat, lon

Inherited fields defined in HPE.Point3D


Fields defined in HPE.Ellipsoid

major, minor, orient, vert

Field Detail

major (required) : float32, in meters

major axis radius/distance/reach

minor (required) : float32, in meters

minor axis radius/distance/reach

orient (required) : float32, in degrees

angle between north and major axis.
0 ⇐ orient < 180.

vert (required) : float32, in meters

In an estimate, vert is the vertical uncertainty.
0 ⇐ vert